360 degree safe Scotland Overview360 degree safe

The 360 safe Scotland self-review tool is free to use and is intended to help schools review their online safety policy and practice. It provides:

  • Information that can influence the production or review of online safety policies and develop good practice.
  • A process for identifying strengths and weaknesses.
  • Opportunities for commitment and involvement from the whole school.
  • A continuum for schools to discuss how they might move from a basic level provision for online safety to practice that is aspirational and innovative.

radar-graphFeatures & Benefits

  • Encourage collaborative online use within your school.
  • Receive immediate feedback and suggested actions to help your progression.
  • Log sources of evidence, comments and action points within your account.
  • Easily compile and print a wide range of reports.
  • Compare and benchmark your responses with other users of the online tool.